
Mentors are there to team up with mums to achieve their parenting goals. This is done through spending regular time with mums and their children, checking in and listening when mums are experiencing challenges and assisting mums to go to social activities and appointments.

How does it work?

1. Kids First can refer eligible and interested mothers into the program and will arrange a home visit with the mentor

2. At this first visit the mother, mentor and key worker will agree on a plan that includes their goals together and regular times to visit (usually 2-4 hours per week during business hours).

3. The mum and mentor regularly review their plan, to see how the goals are progressing.

4. The mentoring will finish up when the goals are met and the mother doesn't feel like she needs the support any longer, or up to 12 weeks after the mother finishes working with Kids First.

Who are the mentors?

Mentors are women who may also be mums, and have experience with babies, children and parenting.

Many mentors have worked in areas like child care, social work, teaching, and other roles that provide child and family support.

Mentors are part of the Kids First Volunteer Teams, who all complete training and have current Police and Working with Children Checks.


For more information about Mentoring Mums please fill in the form below and one of lovely Intake and Engagement team members will be in touch with you shortly. Alternatively if you would like to speak to someone on the phone please call us on (03) 9450 0900.

Please note: This program is available in VIC ONLY. If you are located outside of VIC, please enquire with your state-based service provider. Thank you.

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